Our Team
With only two more weeks left in Build Season, every subteam in Team 1403 has been busy with numerous assignments. Deadlines are starting to approach closer, leaving the Robot Side, Logistics Side, and Project Teams with more responsibilities to allow for the best performance during the Competition Season. From finalizing the Chairmans Essay to uploading drawing documentation for the robot, everybody has an important role to fulfill in these upcoming weeks.
Throughout the fourth week, the Mechanical Subteam has worked on attaching the intake onto the 2020 robot and is currently exploring new designs to improve upon it. They have also started manufacturing any necessary materials for the shooter so that they can assemble it towards the end of the week.
Alongside the Mechanical Subteam, the Electrical Subteam has directed their focus on the intake by working on wire installation. They have continued to work on the soldering safety video with the Safety Subteam. Members have organized previous case studies and additional research to a template, as well as assigning a new set of case studies.
The Design Subteam has been collaborating with Game Design to produce a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model of the game field. Robot Design has appointed new members to their drawing control, which is a group of individuals that approve designs for the robot before they are passed onto another subteam. Computer Numerical Code (CNC) has worked on a new research project and Animation has been in the process of creating a digital animation video.
With multiple projects on their hands, the Programming Subteam has managed to work on the driving paths for the Robot Game and test the access camera to detect falls. Moreover, the members have been trying to produce code for this year’s robot. They have been working with the Strategy Subteam, prototyping the user interface to meet their needs for the Scouting App. Additionally, they have been organizing question forms into their database for the app and compiling data for Strategy.
The Strategy Subteam has been primarily focusing on leading the Game Design Challenge as they approach their deadlines for game documentation. At the same time, the subteam has been periodically checking in with the Programming Subteam to see the progress being done on the Scouting app.
During the fourth week, the Audio/Visual Subteam began editing the Chairman’s Video after finally getting their video script approved. As they begin editing their video, there are a lot of different aspects that go into creating it such as voiceovers and visuals. They are also continuing to take footage during in-person meetings for the Business/Communication Subteam’s social media needs and the video.
The Business/Communications Subteam has been continuously posting on Team 1403’s Instagram account (@team1403) and creating a smoother cycle of more posts. Additionally, the subteam is working on getting the approval of their last two newsletters while beginning to work on their fourth issue.
The Outreach Subteam has been finalizing details on volunteering opportunities for the team. They have also been sending out emails regarding their annual “Women In Stem” event. Furthermore, the subteam has been working to find other outreach initiatives such as helping at the Rockbrook School and holding a Food Drive.
The Safety Subteam has been continuing to work with Electrical and will soon be moving on to programming safety. As they finish teaching the individual subteams, one of their new projects is producing a programming and electrical safety training video. This video will serve as a resource for safety procedures when testing the robot outside of the carpet area in the robotics room, such as the cafeteria or the school’s sidewalk.
Innovation Project
This week, the Innovation Project Team has been spending a lot of time fixating on the details of their idea. As their submission deadline nears, the team has been working towards prototyping for their chosen product. The members have been put into smaller groups to be more efficient and to focus on marketing their product.
Game Design Challenge
The Game Design Challenge Team has been finalizing certain concepts on their idea, as well as incorporating any suggestions given by mentors. Also, the Design Subteam has been providing them with CAD to create a drawing for the game field. The team has been working on the necessary documentation for submission.