Team 1403 meets weekly in our robotics lab to brainstorm and work on projects. Our team consists of a robot and logistics side with various subteams. Members of each of our sub-teams are expected to work together in building the best robot which completes the required tasks, while also handling the business aspects needed to efficiently run the team. In addition to meeting regularly, many team members are active volunteers in the community through the team’s outreach events. With the friendship and teamwork exhibited between members, Team 1403 is a family.
The team shares its main goal with the founder of FIRST, Dean Kamen, which is to “put engineering, science, and technology into a format of healthy, fun competition, we can attract all sorts of kids that might not see the kind of activity we do as accessible or rewarding.” Achieving this goal will help future leaders succeed in these areas and give our country a prosperous future.
To realize these goals, the team encourages commitment, teamwork, and the education of members. 1403 also advocates hard work to do well in FIRST Robotics Competition Events, allowing the team to learn from its mistakes and understand other teams’ ideas. With strong goals and views for the future, Team 1403 has not only made a huge impact in educating the youth in STEM subjects, but also topics such as business and people skills.