2022 Build Season Newsletter Issue #3

Our Team

This week, all members of Team 1403 have been making steady progress on the robot. The Robot Side subteams have been in a productive cycle of creating designs for different portions of the robot and then manufacturing them to test their effectiveness. Meanwhile, The Logistics Side Subteams have been consistently completing many individual tasks to prepare for the following week.


The Mechanical Subteam has started making pieces for the drivetrain and gearbox. However, they are waiting for the design subteam to send out more drawings to have a definitive design for the parts. The team is hoping to wrap up the assembly of the drivetrain by next week.


The Electrical Subteam spent the week collaborating with the design and programming subteams to create a list of electrical components needed for this year’s robot. They then focused on designing the electrical board, which holds all of the robot’s electrical components and is mounted to the robot. Next week, they plan to manufacture the electrical board and begin mounting the components. 


The Design Subteam has pushed out all the drivetrain drawings to the Mechanical Subteam for them to start manufacturing components. They have also been working on adding different subsystems, including the upright subsystem and finishing the CADs for the intake and shooter. Next week, the Design Subteam plans on finishing the CADs and then handing over the drawings to the Mechanical Subteam to start building parts for the various assemblies.


This week, the Programming Subteam split up into groups to work on prototyping. Next week, they intend to work on the first draft of their app by updating it to match the new game introduced in the kickoff. Afterwards, they intend to fix any bugs that come up due to their code and work on sensor implementation. 


The Strategy Subteam this week has been collaborating with the Programming Subteam, working on the blueprints for the scouting app that they are making and what exactly they want in their app. They have finished their scouting sheet, a backup for their app, and have finished their encyclopedia. Their encyclopedia includes information about all the FMA teams for internal use. They hosted a strategy meeting on the day after Kickoff to discuss the game plan for the robot.


This week, the Audio/Visual Subteam worked on the Chairman’s Video Script.  After they get approval from Admin, they will further edit it and then get it finalized. Throughout next week they plan to record any footage they need and then edit it together for the first draft of the Chairman’s Video.


The Business and Communications Subteam has finished social media posts for January and started planning for the February timeline. They worked on the third issue of the parent newsletter. Next week, they plan to work on the March social media timeline. 


The Outreach Subteam has been working on the activity sheets for the Women In STEM event and the toiletry drive. They are currently writing the activity sheet for the Rock Brook School event and the summer technical nights hosted by our mentor Mike. Additionally, the subteam is planning another volunteering opportunity for the members at Rock Brook School.


The Safety subteam has been working on their safety presentation for the next Saturday Meeting. The goal of this presentation is to inform members of our team’s safety guidelines as well as our team’s procedures in case of emergencies. They also have just introduced the new safety animation. Next week, they will be wrapping up their presentations to present to the team next week.