2022 Build Season Newsletter Issue #5

Our Team

Team 1403 has continued to work on many different projects throughout the week. The robot side has focused on fixing and developing various parts for the robot while the logistics side has worked on numerous tasks from social media posts to the points analysis sheet. The team is working hard and will put their best foot forward as build season comes to an end. 


The Mechanical Subteam worked on the drive train and are close to being finished with manufacturing the parts for the shooter. The upright is completed, however, there was a complication with the compression on the ball. Next week, the Mechanical Subteam plans to finish up assembly for the upright. 


Although the Electrical Subteam’s previous design was unsuccessful, the subteam was able to redesign and fix their electrical board. Next week, they plan work on various tasks related to the electrical board, including maxing, drilling and plying the all components together.


This week, the Design Subteam worked on creating more drawings for the shooter and intake subsystems. The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) team worked alongside Mechanical on manufacturing parts for the shooter of the robot (the mechanism that shoots the balls into the target). The Animation team also worked on the Virtual Reality (VR) system.


The Programming Subteam has been getting the gyroscope to work while testing the limelight commands and controls. The gyroscope and limelight helps the robot center its aim on a target prior to shooting a ball. The app part of the Programming Subteam synthesized new data and increased security for the scouting app. 


Last week, the Strategy Subteam worked on the point analysis sheet, a resource that other FRC teams can use to improve their robot strategy. This week, the Strategy Subteam practiced scouting on the app that they created with the programming subteam. They also worked on the guide for points analysis for other teams to follow along with Team 1403’s point analysis sheet. 


The Audio/Visual Subteam has been revising the Chairman’s video draft and will be finalized next week. They have also collaborated with the Safety Subteam to shoot their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) presentation video and enrapturing aerial footage of the team.


The Business/Communications Subteam has been working on social media posts for the March timeline and the parent newsletters. They have also made progress on updating the website and finishing the February alumni newsletter. 


This week, the Outreach Subteam worked on the Rock Brook Initiative. Team 1403 members will now be able to volunteer at the Rock Brook School and work with students who have disabilities in activities like engineering. Next week, they plan on sending out a sign-up sheet for the initiative. 


The Safety Subteam has been revising and editing the fire safety presentation that they presented at last week’s Saturday meeting. Furthermore, they have also created the script and storyboard for their PPE presentation, working with the Audio/Visual Subteam to shoot the video.