2021 Build Season Newsletter Issue #2

Our Team

This week, the subteams have worked on teaching new members certain skills while delegating other tasks to experienced members. As the team gets closer to competition season, subteams have been collaborating with each other to increase productivity. While significant progress has been made, there is still more to do, and we are looking forward to next week to accomplish more. 


The Mechanical Subteam is still in the process of certifying every member as well as working on the intake of the robot. Although it is taking longer than expected to fully build it, the subteam plans to finish assembly soon.


The Electrical Subteam has been soldering their intake and giving a demo on it to all the members. Some of them have been meeting in-person to complete a soldering skill check. Furthermore, the captains began to introduce a new set of case studies to all members for exploration on other teams’ robots and subsystems. 


The Design Subteam has been working on teaching assembly drawings to newer members. Alongside, they have been collaborating with the Mechanical Subteam to provide them drawings based on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) for the intake, as well as redesigning the shooter. 


The Programming Subteam started to run the robot and test the scouting app, where they began creating user interfaces. In addition, the subteam got the 2019 robot running to update and test it for the autonomous period of the game. Programming has also been creating architecture and reusable code for next year to increase the functionality of the robot. 


The Strategy Subteam’s main focus for this week was on scouting. To further develop their skills, the subteam developed a pit scouting form that can be used in their app for competitions. Moreover, they have been practicing the application of the form with their members. 


The Audio/Visual Subteam has been revising the Chairman’s Video script alongside the Business/Communications Subteam, and collecting music that will be used in the video. They have also been organizing data from old CDs as references for this year’s video. 


The Business/Communications Subteam has been writing newsletters by interviewing the other subteams and gathering information. In addition, they are working on their second cycle of social media posts and making sure that they are of the best quality before being posted. The subteam periodically checks on viewers, likes, and comments to determine what types of content people are interested in consuming.


The Outreach Subteam has contacted the Rock Brook School to organize a possible online after school program and volunteering opportunities with them. They have also organized a way to donate old tablets from the Strategy Subteam. 


This week, the Safety Subteam has been busy training the Mechanical Subteam members practicing safety while working with equipment such as the mill, drill press, portaband, lathe, and hand tools. They are also planning on an electrical safety training workshop. The subteam presented their General Safety presentation at the Saturday meeting. 

Innovation Project

The Innovation Project Team narrowed down their ideas while continuing their brainstorming process. The team has been actively searching for expert interviews, product background info, and coming up with basic selling points. 

Game Design Challenge

The Game Design Challenge Team has implemented mentor feedback to kickstart the prototyping process for their game idea. Additionally, the team gave a presentation to the mentors based on their finalized idea, and after receiving feedback, they worked on improving their selected idea.