2025 Build Season Issue #1 Newsletter

1/6/25 – 1/11/25

Our Team

After a successful kickoff, our team convened in the commons to brainstorm the needs, wants, and wishes for the robot this year. Based on these goals, Robot side has been hard at work prototyping different components of the robot in preparation for its construction. Meanwhile, Logistics side has been working on newsletters, write-ups, award submission materials, and creating optimal strategies for scoring during competition.


The Design subteam researched components and created 2D prototypes of various parts that were laser cut on MDF board. Members researched each subsystem, including the elevator, intakes, and end effectors. They investigated other teams’ designs, analyzed their pros and cons, and examined 2D CAD to verify optimal positions for each subsystem. The designs of the subteam were given ranges of compression that worked well on the intake and continued to evaluate more precise measurement for a coral end effector. Next week, Design aims to finish prototyping the chassis, and improve the design for the choral end effector, and aim to finalize the subsystem designs.


Mechanical has focused on prototyping and researching how to construct a cascading elevator. They have also created a mock system for the robot’s intakes by utilizing MDF (medium-density fibreboard) prototypes to test different compressions for optimal coral and algae intaking, taking account of the different potential game piece orientations. Additionally, they have built the drivetrain for the KitBot, which is a starter robot provided by FIRST, so we can attach an elevator prototype. For the next week, Mechanical’s goals include constructing the drivetrain, finishing prototyping, and compiling the results into a presentation in order to practice clear communication with Design and Programming.


Throughout the week, Electrical has been gathering components for the drivetrain and worked with programming to determine the necessary sensors for this year’s robot. Furthermore, they examined the 2023 robot, as this year’s robot will similarly implement a rotating arm system. Outside of preparation for Reefscape, members researched parks to implement our solar panel-powered phone charger which allows members of our community to recharge their devices in a sustainable manner. In the coming weeks, they’ll continue to communicate with parks regarding their solar panel proposal. Additionally, they began planning the Spirit Committee LED sign which will help boost team spirit at competitions. 


This week, Programming began implementing SysID to create a much better tuned swerve drive. They have also begun coding the Limelight, which is a small camera with a vision system that can scan April Tags on the field. They are working on ensuring that the camera position is the same as the code’s output. With the help of Electrical and Design, Programming finished creating their preliminary list of sensors. Additionally, they have been working alongside Strategy to create effective autonomous routes for competition. For the next few meetings Programming will be working on fixing a NavX (gyroscope) software issue and complete the code for the Limelight.


The Audio/Visual subteam has been preparing to post their week one reel to our Instagram account (@team1403). They have been giving their members opportunities to practice filming, and editing reels. The Week 1 Reel will be completed by the next meeting. A/V has also been consistently taking photos and videos of our entire team to show the work our members are putting in during Build Season. Lastly, A/V has begun production of our team’s Impact video which should be completed in the next few weeks.


The Business/Communications subteam has been working on finishing the business plan and writing newsletters. B/C has also worked along with the Outreach subteam to progress the first draft of the executive summary for the FIRST Impact Award. Additionally, B/C has been updating sections of the team’s website (team1403.com) by adding information on this year’s kickoff, publishing newly written newsletters, and updating out of date pages. In the upcoming weeks, B/C aims to complete the business plan, keep the website updated, and increase the team’s social media presence.


This week, the Outreach subteam has been primarily working on the Impact executive summary. The Impact Award is presented to the team that makes the biggest impact in their community and best embodies the core values of FIRST. The summary describes our team’s role in fostering interest in STEM throughout the community. In addition, they recently held their Turkey Painting event at the Montgomery Library, in which they brought 3D printed Thanksgiving-related items that participants could paint. Outreach has also begun to construct write-ups on past outreach events, as well as assigning their members each an outreach initiative that they will lead in the coming months. Finally, they’ve been preparing to host their Bridgewater Temple Classes in February.


The Strategy subteam gave all team members a presentation analyzing our robot’s point optimization (where the most points to earn exist), analyzing its capabilities, and creating goals for it at our Hatboro-Horsham and Montgomery Competitions. They have also been working with Programming to plan multiple efficient auton routes that will allow our robot to adapt to different situations, and been discussing the goals and progress of the robot’s construction with the Design subteam. The App side of the Strategy subteam has begun the process of creating paper scouting in order to collect data on other teams’ performance in order to effectively choose our alliance partners.