2023 Cougar Class #2: Negotiating



Date: 10/25/2023
Where: Montgomery High School

Impact on Team: Our second Cougar Class started with a presentation given by one of our mentors, Mr. Mahadevia on a valuable life skill: negotiations. He began by giving an overview on what negotiations are and how they are used in daily life. The presentation then shifted into the skills a good negotiator has, including listening, preparation, and displaying confidence. Mr. Mahadevia concluded by opening the floor for questions where a member dived into his recent experience in India and how one is often expected to negotiate at thrift markets, shopping centers, etc

Activity: The challenge for this Cougar Class was to create a positioning and messages for an assigned candy brand. The groups had to find a creative way to advertise their product. The objective of the teams was to create an engaging and informative position that demonstrates deep knowledge of the brand and company. The team was judged on their positioning, messaging, and their ability to present and attract the audience.