2020 Build Season Week 2 Newsletter

Our Team

Team 1403 is now moving into its second week of build season. Work from Saturday’s meeting included working on prototypes and working on finalizing them. Although we have just begun the 6-week building process, team members have been staying focused and consistent with their work, therefore improving the quality of the products outputted by our team.


Mechanical continues to further develop the prototype of the robot. Since the majority of prototyping for the robot is finished, the team plans to work on making the intake work alongside the hopper. Overall, the team continues to work alongside the other teams to make the prototype finish as fast as possible.


The Design subteam began creating a lot of drawings for the mechanical subteam. Some of the drawings include sketches of the drivetrain, the component of a robot that delivers power to the wheels. These drawings are important for the development of the robot. In addition to the drawings, they started CADing prototypes of the robot as well, which is the process of mapping out the prototype’s design on the computer.


The Electrical Team is going through their second stage of prototypes, and they are revising and editing their first draft of prototypes. Additionally, the team made an inventory for the motor and controllers. Electrical is working on creating an order list to have everything they need in stock.


Some members from the Programming subteam worked with the Strategy subteam to finalize the plan for the “Scouting” app. Meanwhile, the rest of the subteam continued to work on their prototypes, specifically on the shooter by using tools such as a camera to measure appropriate distances. Additionally, the subteam is developing an application to map the movements of the robot. 


A/V has continued to take photos and videos for the Team 1403. In addition to that, the team has begun work on the Chairman’s Video by brainstorming ideas and recording videos. The A/V team has continued to work on the photo board, with progression coming quickly due to the team’s efficiency


The Business subteam has been working on keeping social media and newsletters up to date. The subteam has finished the first draft of the Donald Bowers Essay and Woodie Flowers Essay, two very important essays for the mentors on our team. A mentor is nominated for each of the awards by the students, which the Business subteam writes the essay submissions for. Additionally, work for Chairman’s essay has continued as well, with progress coming in steady. The team worked on the website by creating new posts for the build season. 


The Strategy subteam is working on creating the playbook in accordance with the robot team to ensure the best strategy is used during the game. In addition, Strategy has continued to work on the scouting app that will be used during competition. 


The Outreach team is currently focused on the Women in STEM event. They worked on finding women in the STEM fields and asked them to get involved in the Women in STEM program, held at our Montgomery District Event. So far, the team has found three qualified women to join the program. Additionally with the Science and Invention Convention coming up, the team has helped to organize volunteers to evaluate the presentations and organizing a demo booth for Team 1403.