New Varsity Requirements 

As a recognized sport, robotics must uphold high standards for varsity letters. Each year the requirements are strictly put in place to maintain the greatest integrity in our team members. The robotics team requires a great amount of dedication in order to be taken seriously as a competitive sport. Although this years requirements are difficult, the determination and dedication for robotics makes them attainable.

Attendance of 75% of all team-specific and general meetings during pre-season (excluding Cougar Classes).
Full attendance of at least 60+% of Cougar Classes.
Attendance of 75% of all meetings during build season (excluding Saturday meetings).
Attendance at all Saturday meetings during build season.
Full attendance on both days of two official competitions (i.e., both main competition days for two different events).
​Twenty hours of documented and approved community service in connection with Team 1403 outreach events

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